Sunday, February 24, 2008

Woe Is Me

You know you are sick when you can't even pick up a knitting needle.  And don't even feel like it.  I have spent the last three days in bed with the worse sinus infection I have ever had.  I'm on my forth day of an antibiotic and still don't feel well.  At least I can finally breathe!!  
I so enjoyed our lunch bunch reunion.  Great pictures, Brenda!  Logan did keep me on the run though and think I may have to come on my own next time.  
Before I got sick, I was working on a pattern from Nashua Holiday Book, the Felted Plaid Bag with Flowers.  The reason I was doing this was because I'm afraid to felt my own design bag. Having moved, I still have my trusty top loading washing machine but the water is definitely different (and thought I needed a trial felt). We have about 5 minutes of hot water.  So it is set at 180 degrees so we have enough water to take showers.  When I usually felt, I turn the cold water off.  But at 180 degrees, will this be too hot?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Will write more when I am feeling better!

Lunch Bunch Reunited + 1!

We finally got together to celebrate Penny's birthday. We don't look happy but, we really are - trust me! We had bagel sandwiches (thanks Janet) and homemade chocolate layer cake made lovingly by Sharon. Thank you so much, it was very yummy.

Over the years, we have had the best time during our lunches. The rousing conversations and laughs have re-energized us and got us through the afternoons.

We had a little visitor that kept "Grammy" on her toes. Check out the adorable hand knit sweater made by Janet. The color is perfect, it brings out the blue in his great big peepers.

We had a wonderful time and did not want it to end.
It was so sad to have Janet leave. Everybody misses her mucho mucho.

We had a long weekend thanks to the snow. I've been trying to organize my craft room, what a job.
Making some things for March 15th and I have been working on the cabled shrug that I started so long ago. Remember this Janet? Janet finished her cabled shrug in a weekend! Did I ever mention the speed at which Janet knits? She is unbelievably fast and also skilled. She does it fast and well. She totally amazes us.

Check out this picture of Nicky Epstein with a woman who enlarged her bag pattern. Look familiar? I found it on Ravelry.

Oscars tonight! Oh Jon, Jon, Jon how I love thee! I would watch it just for you. He is so adorable.

Hope to see something from you soon dear partner. Enjoy the Oscars!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Wonderful Work Week

We worked Monday with a 2 hour delay, had snow days on Tuesday and Wednesday and now another 2 hour delay for Thursday. I think we may have to work a full day on Friday, hope I can survive?! Needless to say this week flew by in a flash.
I was able to make some more items for the March craft fair:

The bookmarks are, of course, inspired by the fabulous Fieltromania.
Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boo Hoo!!

Well the weather has not cooperated. I'm so disappointed I was not  able to go 'home' to visit my lunch bunch and celebrate Penny's birthday! Happy Birthday, Penny!!! I didn't get to see my Logan, my light, my joy! Instead, I was home with no power all day. I had scheduled the electrician to come specifically yesterday because I wouldn't be here!? In addition, Tim was home with the flu!? Now, I think I might be getting it too!!! Hopefully we can plan another day next week to get together and all will be right with the world:-)
In the meantime, I finished knitting my 'new' bag and hope to felt it before we get together. We have power again. Tim has gone off to work and I have the day to start something new!
PS My sister Becky became a Grammy this morning!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Monday

You've been busy my dear partner! I think I will give the book a try. I love Fanny Flagg.
I was busy too - what else to do with all of our weather problems up here in the frigid north? We woke up to snow Saturday morning and Sunday morning ! (that is not the preferred weekend weather!) Abbie ended up in a ditch Saturday night so Mike sat with her until the wee hours of the morning until the wrecker arrived, it was not a good thing. She's fine and so is the car.
I was able to make two pincushions for the craft fair in March.
What do you think?

We are all looking forward to getting together on Tuesday for lunch to celebrate Penny's birthday.
Enjoy your Monday.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Little Break

I just finished reading Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flag.  It was great!!  If you haven't read it, get it and read it.  It is full of wit and wisdom.  I laughed out loud.  I love books that can make that happen!!  I had taken a little break from my knitting project when I noticed a mistake 2 inches down with a color I was using in my intarsia pattern.  Nothing to do but rip it out.  So I put it aside and read the book.  As soon as I finished, I picked up my knitting and ripped it out!?!  No problem.. I'm back on track and hope to finish it this week:-)  
I am working on the house.  Went to my sister Judy's yesterday. She took me to a fabulous light store where I got a light for the bedroom.  Check out Lighting by Design.  They have some very unique lights.  She also finished making the curtain panel for my powder room...too cute!!  She has helped me tremendously with putting my new house together.  She has a great flare for color and design and works with her friend Linda designing and making pillows and curtains. Talk to you soon.  Janet

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oh What Fun!

Just had 2 wonderful days off. I got to... see my "creative" partner and blog mate for the first time since she moved away(hug,hug), got to... see my sweet, adorable daughter(hug,hug,kiss,kiss), got to... shop in my favorite store(nirvana), and got to... go to my favorite work-related workshop (truly inspiring). What more could I ask for?? Why of course, the weekend with 2 more days off! Time to work on more creations! Hope to have something to show you by the end of the weekend.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Beginnings

Two weeks ago my life changed. My husband had been transferred to a different site within the company he works for.....2 hours away. So after living apart for 6 months, I left my job of seventeen years and moved to be with him. This was a good but terrifying change for me. I would not be taking a new teaching job. Instead, I have been given the chance of a lifetime. A chance to work at home, doing something I love. Creating and developing my love of knitting and quilting into something more than a hobby. I'm not sure where it is all going to end up but my first 'new beginning' looks something like this:

Monday, February 4, 2008

Felt Goodies

Originally uploaded by brenda'sbag

I had to donate something to Abbie's high school for a fund raiser, so I made a few felt items that I have wanted to try to make. Of course I had lots of inspiration. Betz White's book, Jen Segrest's work and Fieltromania. I sure hope who ever wins the goodies will enjoy them as much as I did making them.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

We are a frozen ice palace up here. A great excuse for a day off and time for the creative enzymes to surface.