Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nani Pua

Nani pua, the Hawaiian words for beautiful flower.  Once again, teaching at Country Quiltworks was so rewarding and SO MUCH FUN!!.  I love quilters!  (I love knitters too!)  We spent the day laughing and telling stories and of course learning the method of making a Hawaiian Quilt. Here, everyone is diligently working on tracing the pattern onto the foreground fabric.  So serious...

I was amazed by the beautiful color combinations everyone chose.  The finished squares will be fabulous:-) Take a look.....
Lorraine and Gail chose Breadfruit:

Mary Joe and Debbie both made the Pineapple pattern:

Laura worked on the Hoya:

and last but certainly not least, Beth chose the Calla Lily:

I was so happy to see Debbie return.  She had also joined me for Grandmothers Handkerchief.
My sister Laura drove 2 hours from New Jersey to take the class.  I was so happy to have her there.  Luckily I had neglected to tell her it was an intermediate class or she may not have come. She made me proud by keeping up with the experts:-) 
Now I must concentrate on finishing the Baltimore Album quilt for the class I hope to teach in the Fall....:-)  

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Another fun quilt class I see. Have they ladies checked our blog for their pictures? Still not getting much done.