Sunday, July 20, 2008

1976 - 2008

For the past 31 years, we have been getting together once a year to catch up, eat, and reminisce the "good old days". We all met in our freshman year at Lock Haven State College (that's what it was called in 1972) and have remained very good friends ever snce. Our friendship is a treasure that we cherish. The reunions started out childless, survived pregnancies, endured toddlers and teenagers and now we are childless again. We have come full circle and don't look too bad.(You can judge for yourself) This year we were in the Garden State and our hosts were Kathy and Wayne. They were very calm and collected despite the fact that their oldest child (Matt) is getting married July 26th. (That is 1 week away!) We had a wonderful time and ate lots of good food. The only low point of this year's reunion is that Karla did not make it. She somehow got the days mixed up, so we were not a complete group. She was missed.
Roll the pictures!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Knot is Tied!

It was a wonderful day for a wedding!  The weather was hot and sunny (but not humid!). 
The flowers were beautiful.

The bride and groom, Kristie and Taylor(my son) looked cool, calm, happy, and thankful that the day was finally here.

And Logan was just plain cute!!!
I'm so happy for them.  And me.  I got to see many friends and family that I haven't seen in a while.  Sharing such a grand day with them all, made me sad that I would have to return to Hatfield.  However, in Hatfield I can get back to some serious knitting.
I'm working on the Lilies of the Valley shawl from Lace Style.  
I love it.  It looks very intricate but was so easy to memorize the pattern.  This will definitely be one of my favorite shawls to knit. 
Rachael has already asked for it for Christmas:-)

Wedding and Babies and Crafting, Oh My!!

It's been a busy week and it just seemed to fly by.

Saturday was the wedding:

with two of the cutest babies ever:

and some stitching from the Alabama Stitch Book

I love this book and am itching to make something else from it. In case you can't tell, that is my version of the headband in the book. I just love the look of everything in the book.

Next week I am taking a class so I won't get to do any of the things I like to do, I am so bummed. I am sure I will survive.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!"

Yes, yes, yes! I have a new sewing machine after 36 years. Thanks to all of the advice and reviews, I purchased a Bernina 240. I haven't even had it for 24 hours, but I love it already.

To try it out, I decided to make a "sweater" for a pillow as an anniversary gift for our friends Kim and Scott.

The way it sewed on the wool was amazing, I don't know how I lived without it all these years. I even tried out some of the "fancy" stitches. They may not be fancy to most people, but considering all I've ever had was a straight stitch, I feel like a kid in a candy store.
Can't wait to make something else!